Monday Rotary Club of Lockport had a good turn out of volunteers from the club and 4 fine Interact youth from Lockport High School - to cook turkeys and serve a meal to at least 185 visitors to Salvation Army's facility. Thank you, Pat Burrows for organizing this...and Maria Biano, Cynthia Cotten, Steve Cotten, Julie Coy, Tracy Ferrell, Dave Greenfield, Larry Kalinowski, Dave Kinyon, Paul Lehman, Sue Lougen, Maynard Lowry, John McDonld, Ellen Roth, Ellen Schratz Chris Smith and Elane Sobieraski. Last photo of LCHS Interact Club (right to left) [Maria Biano peaking in !] Julie LaRose, Jared Pellicano, Hanna Sobieraski, Alyssa Edbauer, and Ben Flaherty.