Lkpt. Rotary's Adopt-A-Highway Clean up
18 Oct. 2024 |
Our club continues its commitment, now over 30 years, to, twice a year, picking up the trash along Saunders' Settlement Road (Rt.31 West) from the junction with the bypass west to Junction,Rd./Campbell Blvd. Dress for the weather and wear appropriate footwear for wet grass and soft soil. I have some gloves and our inventory of hard hats are required to be worn. Most people are using the club-owned "grippers" to save a lot of bending.
If we can get enough volunteers with this sign-up for a Friday morning, October 18th, we will be able to skip finishing the job on Saturday (10-12 volunteers), October 19th. Saturday, can also be a rain date. Sign up for both dates if you are avaiable and I will notify you if we will do this Saturday. It's helpful to know if you will need to leave early. Let Paul Lehman know by text or phone call (716-984-5128) or E-mail at
Meet at Danny Sheehan's Steakhouse 491 West Avenue, Lockport at 9 AM to organize.