What is Lockport Rotary?
The Rotary Club of Lockport, NY was chartered on May 1, 1919, making it the oldest service organization in Lockport. Charles A. Upson was elected as the club's first president, and George C. Lewis as secretary. The club began with 25 charter members, and within two years had grown to 70 members.
Rotary's mission has always been to fulfill community needs and advance world peace and understanding. Today this is accomplished through programs and projects to support health care, youth development, sustainable communities, and cultural exchange at the local, regional and international levels.
Our club is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership each year. Club officers include the president, president-elect, vice-president, past president, secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer, sergeant-at-arms and nine directors who serve three year staggered terms. The board meets monthly, and active club members are always welcome to attend.
Members are encouraged to serve on at least one service or operating committee and one fundraising committee each year. The club president, subject to board approval, appoints chairpersons and members to serve on committees that work within Rotary's Five Avenues of Service: Community, International, Vocational, Club, and Youth. Active Committees include:
- Youth
- International
- Community
- Environmental
- Literacy
- Nominating
- Finance
- Giving
- Rotary Foundation
- Public Image
- Membership
- Scholarship
- Rotary Raffle Party
- Rose Sale
- Nine and Dine Golf Outing
- LHS Basketball Tournament
The Rotary Club of Lockport meets every Tuesday at Noon. Club members share the responsibility of meeting planning and coordination. Active members are encouraged to attend weekly meetings and participate in Club Committee work. As members of an international organization, Rotarians are also welcome to seek out and attend Rotary meetings across our Western NY and Southern Ontario District 7090, and throughout the world.
Individual Dues are $220 annually. Included in the dues total is a $60 charitable contribution, given in the member’s name, to The Rotary Foundation. Members are encouraged to give an additional $40 or more for the Rotary Foundation which would allow the club to meet the "Every Member" goal of an average of $100 per member in giving. One of the top rated charities in the world, TRF works to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through Rotary International projects. Since 1988, Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative have immunized over 2.5 billion children with the polio vaccine, reducing the incidence of polio by 99 percent and eradicating it from all but three countries worldwide.