Rendezvous with Comet Halley!
Members of the Rotary Club of Lockport visited the Challenger Learning Center in Lockport, NY, today for a tour of the new facility. Our tour guides were Kathy Michaels, Executive Director, and Jocelyn Welton, Mission Commander.
"Born out of the tragedy that took the lives of the Challenger crew on January 28th, 1986, Challenger Learning Centers were created by the families of the crew as a living memorial to their spirit of exploration. The families knew that a lasting memorial, dedicated to educating students in science, match, and engineering, could play a vital role in America's future."
What an amazing experiential learning environment, mostly for 5th grade through 12th grade, but what adult wouldn't enjoy a mission to rendezvous with Comet Halley?
Owner: Paul McAfee
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